How to cancel my subscription?
You can quickly cancel your subscription by login to your dashboard. go to "Billing" → "Cancel Subscription" and then click on "Cancel subscription" 3. Then click on your subscription 4. Then click on "Cancel SubscriptionFew readersWhat payment methods do you accept?
We currently only accept payment by credit cards, and wire transfer for Enterprise subscriptions. Paypal and other online payment gateways are not supported at the moment.Few readersHow to download my invoices?
You can quickly download all your invoices by: login to your dashboard. go to "Setting" → "Manage subscription" and then click on "Download invoices" Here you will be able to download all your invoicesFew readersHow can I upgrade my subscription?
You can upgrade your subscription at any time by going here and clicking on the Upgrade button for the plan you are interested in. For example, let's say that you want to switch from the Freelance plan to the Startup plan thFew readersHow can I downgrade my subscription?
You can downgrade your subscription at any time by going here and clicking on the plan you are interested in. For example, let's say that you want to switch from the Startup plan to the Freelance plan the 9th of October. YoFew readersHow to change my API key?
To change your API key follow those steps: Go to Settings: Click on the "API key" tab Click on "Change my API key"Few readersHow to update my billing address?
You can quickly download all your invoices by: login to your dashboard. go to "Settings" → "Manage subscription" and then click on "Update billing address" Click on the address you would like to change and update itFew readersI can't log into my dashboard. What should I do?
Being unable to log into your ScrapingBee dashboard can be frustrating. And there are two main reasons why this happens: Server-side issues, and Client-side issues. The first thing you need to do, is to make sure that the dashboard is fully functional, and you can use ScrapingBee - System Status page to do that: If it's up and running, as in the image above, thenFew readersCan I receive my monthly invoices by email?
Yes! You can indeed receive your monthly invoices by email. To activate this setting: Open your dashboard, and click on Settings → Billing Email: Input the email address you want to use for billing invoices. Click on "Update billing email". And that should do it! You will be receiving your invoices in that email address from now on.Few readersWhat will happen to my unused credits?
When your subscription expires or is renewed, any unused credits will not roll over. For instance, if you're on the 'Freelance' plan and have utilized 100,000 out of 150,000 credits, upon renewal, you'll receive a fresh allocation of 150,000 credits, and the remaining 50,000 credits will expire.Few readersHow to manage your team?
If you are on our Business / Business + plan, you will receive access to our team management feature! 🎉 Our Mange team page will allow you to add a new user, remove a user, and changing allocated credits and max concurrency. Add a new user The Mange team page allows you to add new users to yourFew readersUnable to purchase one-time add-on
Our one-time add-ons are designed for users who have an active subscription plan. Let's say, you are in our 'Freelance' plan, you will get 150,000 credits. If the credit runs out, you need to wait until next month to get credits. To solve this issue, we created the one-time add-on packages. Even though it is not available in the trial plan, if you only need to use ScrapingBee forFew readersHow to delete my account?
If you are sure that you want to delete your account: Visit the Delete account page Check I understand that my account will be deleted Click on the Delete account! This is irreversible buttonFew readersHow to download usage data?
Our Logs & Analytics page has made it easy to see the logs! Just select the time range and you can see all the logs during that period. Getting Logs From your ScrapingBee Dashboard, click on Logs & Analytics. By default, you will be able to see the logs foFew readersManual & Auto Renew Subscription
Sometimes things won't go as we plan! If you happen to deplete all of your credits, you don't need to wait for the next renewal date as you can either purchase one-time add-ons or you can manually renew your subscription. Manually Renew Your Subscription From the ScrapingBee dashboard, click on the Upgrade Plan button to view our plans page. ( readersHow to change credit card details?
You can easily update your credit card details by: Logging into your dashboard. Go to "Settings" → "Manage subscription". Click on "Update credit card details":Few readersWhy is my VAT number invalid?
If you’re trying to add your VAT number to your billing address on ScrapingBee and receiving an error, it could mean your VAT number isn’t eligible for cross-border transactions within the EU. This can happen for a few reasons, but don’t worry—there’s a way to check and fix it! Possible Reasons Your VAT Number Isn’t Working Not Registered for Cross-Border Transactions – Some VAT numbers are only valid for domestic use and won’t work for EU-wide transactions. Formatting IssFew readers